The Journey of Science and Spirituality
6. Centered
Become Centered from within and watch your outer environment
shift in ways you never could have imagined.
Centered - teaches how to always remain aligned from your core,
especially during times of stress and uncertainty.
Centering approaches include:
1. Meditation and Breath Building Methods.
2. Contemplation and Prayer Practices.
Contemplation is something of a forgotten spiritual path. Unlike meditation, it does not completely bypass the mind, rather it uses the mind in a playful way to open inner pathways inside your brain and body.
Discover how the Power of Pray can invite more peace into your life while developing a closer relationship with God.
3. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a tapping, psychological acupressure treatment to help restore balance to the body’s energy system.
4. Explore the benefits of Essential Oils and many other holistic remedies to complement your journey.