The Journey of Science and Spirituality

6. Centered

Become Centered from within and watch your outer environment
shift in ways you never could have imagined.

Centered - teaches how to always remain aligned from your core,
especially during times of stress and uncertainty.

Centering approaches include:

1. Meditation and Breath Building Methods.

2. Contemplation and Prayer Practices.

  • Contemplation is something of a forgotten spiritual path. Unlike meditation, it does not completely bypass the mind, rather it uses the mind in a playful way to open inner pathways inside your brain and body.

  • Discover how the Power of Pray can invite more peace into your life while developing a closer relationship with God. 

3. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a tapping, psychological acupressure treatment to help restore balance to the body’s energy system.

4.  Explore the benefits of Essential Oils and many other holistic remedies to complement your journey.

Become Centered from within and watch your outer environment
shift in ways you never could have imagined.