The Journey of Science and Spirituality
1. Ascension Nutrition
Ascension Nutrition is a process of merging spirit with nourishment. What we feed our bodies ultimately affects our energetic frequency and how vibrant our soul radiates. Learn what and how to nourish yourself from the inside-out.
2. Home
Home - Most people overthink and live on a wheel of multi-tasking. So, what happens to the space within us that needs just to BE? Home will teach you to balance three aspects of your daily life: Thinking, Doing, and Being. The home program is a trinity that will leave a long-lasting positive effect on your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
3. DNA
DNA - With humanity on the verge of a major shift in consciousness rooted in a new understanding of how our DNA operates, The Gene Keys program is here to unlock the higher purpose hidden in your DNA. DNA analysis will pinpoint your unique service to the world, what you are here to learn, what keeps you healthy, and what ultimately fulfills your soul.
4. Quantum
Quantum - We tend to reduce our anatomy to flesh and blood, but everything on this planet, including plants, animals, water, and even objects, comprises atoms. Atoms produce, emit, and receive energy at a specific frequency. All our tissues, cells, emotions, and thought patterns have their own unique electromagnetic fields- vibration and frequency.
Through the use of- Healy- a micro-current FDA-cleared medical device, you can harmonize your Bioenergetic Field (the energy within our biology- cells, organs, and tissue) and improve your overall health.
5. Energetic
Energetic - Improve how you feel through balancing your Chakras. Chakra balancing assists the body on a subtle energetic level- leaving space for deep healing.
Obtaining an Aura Analysis is key to recognizing which chakras require balancing. Following each Chakra attunement, guidelines are provided to help sustain a favorable energy field.
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6. Centered
Centered - Gain and remain centered at your core through developing daily practices in meditation, breath building, contemplation, and prayer. The Emotional Free Technique (EFT) is presented to help release trauma. As a bonus, you will recognize the benefits of essential oils and connecting with crystals.
Mediation, breath practice, prayer-contemplation, EFT, and essentials oils are all explored to benefit your specific needs.
7. Empathic
Empathic - Empathic guidance is provided through various developed abilities such as dream interpretation, automatic writing, and angel cards. Empathically translated, the spiritual laws that govern the universe and affect you most in life, will be reviewed to assist you in living your Higher Self.
Striking insight can also be obtained through a detailed numerology report. The science of numerology is determined through your date of birth and your full name as given when you were born. Come and be amazed by the powerful messages revealed in your unique numbers.
8. Transformation
Transformation - The transformational process involves in-depth spiritual coaching to help you find inner happiness, peace, and harmony. There is an opportunity for continued support while on your journey to finding your own sense of wholeness.