
Hi, I’m Lisa Marie

From the time of my conception, I have experienced numerous situations that have tried to impose being seeing in my truth. I was born of a young woman who hid her pregnancy and had to sever her connection with me through adoption. Living in full recognition of who I AM has been my lifelong mission.

With all areas related to Self-actualization, I believe the universe supports our evolution by providing circumstances that will enable us to embody what our soul came to learn. My journey has been to personify truthful acknowledgment.

It took many years to work through my history- a past I had no control over, yet it consumed a vast amount of personal energy. I was drained and exhausted from holding on to all the baggage I chose to carry.

Cutting the cord to the unhealthy relationship with my past required me to reconcile what it meant on a soul level. My intention was met with tumultuous periods often referred to as “Dark Night of the Soul.”

I struggled deeply with anxiety, panic, and a negative thought-belief system, compounded by an underlying lack of joy and fulfillment. Considered a pure wallflower- I avoided interactions at all costs and subsequently suffered greatly. Within the depths of darkness, I needed to heal from the trauma of abandonment, rejection, childhood sexual abuse, early adolescent discrimination regarding my sexual orientation, and overcoming a dysfunctional relationship with someone who used their position in power to take advantage of me. I further accelerated my growth on a spiritual level through assisting in the peaceful passing of my parents, grieving the loss of my birth mother-who died before I found her, surviving a near-death car accident, escaping a terrifying car-invasion, enduring multiple IVF therapies to combat infertility, and becoming an Endometriosis-warrior after several life-altering surgeries.  

The periods of embracing what my soul needed to illuminate awoken me to my authentic Self. As I began to change my perspective and realize that all things happen for us and not to us, I started to experience an inner shift. Life subsequently became less of a struggle and more graceful. 

One day, I looked at my birth name Cher, and for the first time, I saw it very differently. I had always associated my birth name with “Share” as if my birth mother intended to symbolize “adoption” as a means of sharing. Recognizing truth through trials helped me heal core wounds. My perspective shifted through this healing, and in turn, I saw my name as C-her, “See-Her.” I will never know my birth mom’s intentions in giving me such a unique name; however, I believe she meant for me to be seen and have my soul recognized, something she could not do during her pregnancy with me. 

Allowing the “invisible” pieces of me to grow in light, like a flower that blossoms from the warmth of the sun, has gifted me with the ability to help others who haven’t yet been able to have their broken pieces “visible.” If you want others to see you, you must first see yourself. That is the initial step of healing.  

    I, my friend, am a being who is fully committed to living life by embracing each moment as a precious gift provided by the divine. I desire to help those who find it challenging to do the same. The difficulty may stem from life experiences that you have not been able to express fully. There is a thread of “emotional neglect” that has been running in our society for generations. Emotional neglect was born out of shame and lack of vulnerability. I was born from a place of shame and nurtured without the space to be vulnerable. Through gentle transformation, I have been able to transcend that energy and wish to help you do the same. 

     If this resonates with you, I would love to assist with your unique, beautiful transformation. I look forward to connecting, and I am immensely grateful for your time and energy to explore this fascinating journey together.  


Give yourself permission to live a big, beautiful life. Step into who you are meant to be. Lisa builds others up because she knows what it’s like to be torn down. Allow her to assist you too!


  • Published book: Seen to Share: My Soulful Truth from Illness to Enlightenment, Nov. 2024

  • Certified Dietician-Nutritionist in the State of New York 2022

  • Master’s of Science, Long Island University- C.W. Post, May 2007

  • Bachelor’s of Science in Naturology, American Institute of Holistic Theology, Oct. 2003

  • ADA Adult Weight Management and Obesity Treatment Certification- 2003

  • Integrative Institute of Nutrition- Holistic Health Counselor- July 2009

  • A.A.P.T.E- Personal Training Certification- Hofstra University -1998

  • Registered Dietitian license- April 1997- participating ADA member

  • Bachelor’s of Science, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), May 1994

  • Numerology Study 2019

  • Chakra Intensive 2013

  • Transcendental Meditation Training 2018

  • End of Life Doula 2016

  • Gene Key Study 2015

  • Reiki Master 2014

    • Published Book- “Transform Mind and Body with the Lap-Band”- 2012

    • Competed National Level Women’s Ice Hockey, National Championship gold medal teams in 2000 and 2003 after playing in College

    • Completed Niagara Falls Marathon in 2000 with a time of 3 hours 52 minutes

    • Rollerbladed cross-country Summer of 1996 for United Way