Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.

~ Maya Angelou

My new book is published,
Seen to Share: My Soulful Truth from Illness to Enlightenment
Click Cover to Order!

Through her heartfelt sharing of personal experiences, author Lisa Marie offers readers valuable insights while fostering a deep spiritual connection that many can relate to and find comfort. Seen to Share: My Soulful Truth from Illness to Enlightenment is a remarkable testament to the healing power of acknowledging truth through a connection with the Divine and one’s Higher Self. Lisa Marie’s courage in sharing her journey is an inspirational must read for those interested in spirituality, holistic wellness, and personal growth.
Lisa Marie’s mystical awareness was ignited at the tender age of ten. Seated on her bed, gazing out the window, the veil between Heaven and Earth was momentarily lifted, and Lisa Marie bravely grasped the essence of a life beyond the earthly realm. Overwhelmed by this profound revelation, yet too fearful to share it, she silently pondered the ‘true essence’ of life.
Then, in a moment of awakening, Lisa Marie’s life changed as she miraculously survived a near-death car accident. Years later, while receiving emergency surgery, Lisa Marie’s consciousness deepened following an out-of-body experience with her departed, beloved mother. Despite enduring a series of challenges, as bravely and eloquently narrated in Seen to Share, the pinnacle of Lisa Marie’s enlightenment was reached during the misdiagnosis and painful treatment of endometriosis.
The transcendental events that guided Lisa Marie’s choices and her unwavering commitment to living with gratitude and perseverance led her to create the Soul Signature 4 Enlightenment (SS4E) process. This process, a culmination of her authentic journey, is valuable in helping others elevate their spiritual vibration. SS4E is a gentle yet powerful process that calls forth the frequency of sacredness to be felt and honored in situations that challenge the spirit. It stands without question that SS4E has the potential to shift energetic discord in favor of optimal health and well-being.

Welcome to The Soul-Signature 4
(Situation, Source, Self, and Sacredness)
Enlightenment Process

I began recognizing a need to embrace the spiritual aspect of my existence following a near-fatal car accident twenty-five years ago. Awakening from that crash was nothing short of a miracle. Being touched by God’s grace to continue my life’s journey sparked a desire to embark on a spiritual path. My spirit evolved as each discipline I studied provided an illumination brighter than I could have ever prayed.

In all the disciplines I was blessed to immerse and expand from, there appeared to be one common theme: acknowledging all situations in life truthfully: those deemed both good/bad, happy/sad, acceptable/unacceptable. Doing so allows everything to exist without judgment or conditions, thus permitting one’s soul signature to be realized and celebrated.

I believe we all have distinctive soul-signatures, an imprint of energy-vibration that will forever remain within the universe after we depart from our temporary physical dwelling. Scripting our signature with complete authenticity allows the soul to express a part of Source- God because, in our most genuine nature, we are closest to our almighty Creator.  

      How do we script our most bona-fide soul signature?  

One path I have discovered is through congruence. Congruence- a term used by Carl Rogers (an American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology) to describe a state in which a person’s ideal self and actual experience are consistent- where inner feelings and external display are coherent. There is no separation within the Self because everything is complete and exists in its totality. There is no judgment, no hurt, or lack. Body, Mind, and Spirit are aligned and exist in pure harmony with the universe.  

Living congruent requires integrating past experiences into the present, so the future is uninhabited and organic. Congruent soul signatures are genuine, whole, and transparent. Unfortunately, many signatures remain “sloppy”- unscripted due to failure to acknowledge, understand, and grow from the trials within one’s life. Blocks in growth occur while living in 3D reality. Learning to script our signature with complete authenticity requires evolving to the 5D plane. 

    We are all too familiar with the third dimension- 3D reality, which is all about material, accumulating “things,” and living in fear. We fear losing control, our possessions, and we perceive ourselves to be- our Ego. The mind is a governing force in the 3D space. We are defined by what we possess and what we do for a living. There is an underlying belief in being separated from God, nature, and all other earthly beings. 

Energetically, the third dimension possesses very low vibration (linked to fear, anxiety, sadness, and depression) and enhances the illusion of separation. Joy and peace are rarely experienced because the psyche is busy either rehashing the past or projecting into the future. By residing in the Ego, the present moment is difficult to embrace. Only in the Now can peace and joy be felt, experienced, and embodied.  

The fifth dimension is one of pure light, unconditional love, and abundance. On the 5D plane, oneness exists, and there is a connection to everyone and everything, including God-Source energy. The universal flow of life is trusted, and all actions breathe as love. In 5D, living occurs from the heart, requiring a high energetic vibration. All experiences are embraced with gratitude, as the soul knows that everything has its purpose for growth and expansion of consciousness. The Ego then transcends into a free spirit, where body, mind, and soul are beautifully interwoven into one energy. Envision a horizontal line representing 3D reality governed by time- past, present, and future. Now call to mind a vertical line representing 5D reality governed by vibration- infinite space. When we radiate from the present moment (heart-centered, light-filled position), there is a union of both realities- 3D and 5D, once referenced: As Above, So Below- As Within So Without- Heaven on Earth. These esoteric idioms reflect the idea that smaller systems- particularly physical matter- are miniature versions of the larger universe. 

   A profound symbolic representation of heart-centered 3D-5D integration is Jesus dying on the cross for our salvation. A cross has a horizontal and a vertical axis. It is through the present moment, light-(heart) filled alignment (a.k.a. 4D bridge) that we access the vertical connection (5D- Heaven) and unify the oscillation of that domain on the horizontal (3D- Earth) plane.   

   I believe bridging 3D reality with 5D existence allows one to live a life congruent in soul and spirit. Our spirit is closest to the material realm- where our body and senses are highly associated with 3D reality. On the other hand, our soul connects to the universal domain—our energetic/vibrational essence and 5D existence. We live in a time where it is crucial to align the dimensions by crossing the 4D bridge. The bridge helps you merge aspects of 3D into 5D. It is a process of unity, integrating the divine into the human.  

 To help cross the 4D bridge, I developed:

The Soul-Signature 4 (Situation, Source, Self and Sacredness) Enlightenment Process

(S)ituation (past)

Transcend through Heart-Centered Connection with

(S)ource & Higher (S)elf (present)



       To grace the (future) for the Benefit of Unity Consciousness.

I hope you enjoy reading my book-

Seen to Share (My Soulful Truth from Illness to Enlightenment)

Please feel free to schedule a complimentary phone call to discuss working with me to help
divinely guide you on scripting your exquisite Soul-Signature.

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.
~Maya Angelou