Understanding The Human Experience Within the Larger Spiritual Context
by Christian Sundberg
Have you ever read a book where every word, sentence, and concept resonated so profoundly that you feel it was written for you/by you? That’s what happened to me!
My experience in reading and listening to A Walk in the Physical was so incredible that my internal state expanded. I have since come to believe that there is knowledge that informs the reader, and then there is wisdom that transforms. A Walk in the Physical is a doorway into that transformative progress.
While seeking higher consciousness, I have become increasingly aware of the ebb and flow of “doing and being.” We live on a horizontal plane of linear time- the past extending to the future, where the roles of doing occur. It's a fine place to exist; however, so much of what it truly means to live a fulfilling life is lost in the doing.
By tapping into the vertical plane of existence, accessed in the present moment of NOW, we can BE. We were created from this Being and will return when our time on earth is completed. Carrying out our actions of “doing” from the state of our genuine beautiful Being is the recipe for a wonderful life- where joy, happiness, compassion, gratitude, and unconditional Love are expressed in every moment.
A Walk in the Physical is the first book of hundreds I have read over the past twenty years in the spiritual genre that helps to bring meaning to the importance and capability we all have to live our lives from this precious state of Being. As the author, Christian Sundberg, stated, “You are not “in” your body; your body is an experience happening Within You.” Everything is within you; however, we all tend to identify from doing- outside of ourselves.
I would love to invite you to join me and a community of like-minded individuals for a Zoom discussion of this book- available for free through the website- awalkinthephysical.com or for sale through Amazon.
To register and obtain the Zoom link, please email- info@c-her.life
or click here and complete the webinar request
The first meeting will take place on
Wednesday, September 27, 2023, from 7–8 pm
With additional meetings on:
Wednesday, October 18, 2023, from 7–8 pm
Wednesday, November 1, 2023, from 7–8 pm
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, from 7–8 pm
If you feel called, contributions are welcomed and appreciated (click here, thank you.)